The world really end in 2012

This is the most asked question especially after the release of the film 2012. There have been many reasons which had made people think this theories from all over the world have been coming up that has proved that the world will come to an end in 2012. Here are some of the theories that I have come up with, lets have a look at them.
Prediction of the may an calendar
Mayans were a blood thirsty race who were excellent in two things, sacrificing virgins and building astrological equipments which would give accurate calculations. Thousands of years ago when the present discoveries of science were just a fantasy, the mayan tribe calculated the length of lunar moon which is 329.53020 days  and they were behind by just 34 seconds. They predicted that the earth will come to an end in 2012 and since their calculation of lunar moon was very near to accurate so it is quite possible that they may have predicted the dooms day right.
The atom smasher
Scientists in Europe are ont their way of building a scientific equipment which will reveal the theory of how big ban happened and the concept behind it. This equipment is world’s largest particle accelerator  and it is a 27 Km tunnel which is designed to smash atoms together. Some scientists say that this equipment is quite deadly at the first place as the moment it will be turned on, it will lead to a deadly result and the entire world will turn into a super dense blob probably to the size of a basket ball.
Solar storm
Solar experts from all over the world have come up with a common finding and that it the intensity of sun storm is likely to get worse by 2012 end. The earth is always hit by solar storm and in recent times things have just got worse so much that it has started destroying satellites and the peak point of its destructions will be some time in 2012.
Super volcano
United States’ yellow stone national park is famous for its hot springs and the reason for this is it is located on world’s largest volcano. Geological experts have predicted that this volcano explodes after every 650,000 years and we have already crossed the time when this volcano was suppose to erupt. When this volcano will erupt it will fill the atmosphere with thick ashes and even block the sun. the earth will turn into  a frozen ground and will remain this way for 15,000 years. All plant and animal life will perish within few days to maximum few weeks. Geologist in some countries have predicted that 2012 will be the likely date when the volcano will erupt.
 Bible predicts the end of world in 2012
Apart from the scientific evidence that says that the world will end in 2012, religious teachings from all over the world say the same thing. Christian bible has predicted the day of Armageddon to be somewhere in 2012. Even a religious Chinese book says the same thing.
There have already been two opinions to every thing, to every concept. While some says that the world will end in 2012 some just wipe out these sayings as meaningless. All that can be said is only time will tell as to what actually will happen on 21st December 2012.


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