What will be really happen in 2012

Ever since mankind has set his foot on Earth and has attained knowledge about its surroundings, there has been one thing that has continuously hit his conscious from where have we come.  Related to this question many other questions have also come up and that is when will the world come to end and how will it happen? Many movies have been made on this concept and these movies have shown different ways by which world will come to an end.
The Belief
Scientists across the world have so far come up with different theories that too says that the world will  come to an end. Some say that in future the sun will grow into larger in size and will absorb the Earth into it. Others say that the sun will gradually lose its energy and will shrink. It will no longer provide heat to any planet in the solar system and ice age will set into Earth.
There have been much talk about the ancient Mayan calendar which predicts that the world will end on December 21st 2012. Mayan was an ancient tribe who were known for building accurate astronomical instruments. They had very accurately measured the time period that moon takes in completing one circle of the Earth. Since their moon calculation has been very accurate it is believed that their prediction about the end of world could also be true. Many other believers of the dooms day say that the ancient calendar is very true in predicting the doomsday and that the time bomb to this day is ticking.
These theories about the doomsday have existed for over centuries but have been more talked about in recent times, especially after the release of the movie 2012 which shows a vey terrible way by which the world will come to an end.
The Disbelief
Contrary to the belief that the Earth will come to an end in 2012 there  are scientist who say that nothing like that will happen. They say that Earth has been existing for more than four billion years and it will continue to exist for some billion years more. There were also some belief that a possible planet named as Nibiru is heading towards Earth and it will hit our planet leading to a possible catastrophe but scientist say that had any such thing happened then NASA would have predicted it long back but there are no evidence that supports this belief.
Some scientists don’t belief in the Mayan calendar as well. They say that the dooms day cannot be judged based on a calendar but since the Mayan tribe had calculated the length of the lunar moon, there are people who do believe in their calendar. There are groups of scientist who are very much interested in their calendar although they may not believe in it completely.
So far it can only be said that only time can judge who were right and who were wrong.  


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